Frequently asked questions
What is Buis Learny?
Learn all about business and entrepreneurship on our premium platform. Whether you’re a startupor a full-fledged business, you are sure to gain new insights and strategies that work to your advantage.
What is the minimum age required to subscribe to Buis Learny?
You must be +18 or have received permission from a parent or legal guardian authorised to pay your bill.
Which devices are compatible with the service?
The service is compatible with all mobile phones and tablets. All you need is a minimum 3G internet connection.
Does Buis Learny use or share my account information?
No. We respect your privacy. Your account information is secure and not shared with any third parties. For more information about how your information is handled, please read our Privacy Policy.
How much does the service cost?
Enjoy a 1-day trial for €0,01, then €34.99/month with auto-renewal.
Note: All transactions will be processed in your local currency.